Ready for France
Here’s what you missed, Mel and Isela.
Both watershow performances went off without a hitch. My synchro team is ready to go kick some Parisian butt next week. But before, I head off to start an international conflict, I want to thank some wonderful peeps for coming to see me practically naked:
- Ernie, Min Jung and Cindy—you guys came on such short notice and made my Wed. night!
- Jenny and Harold (2/3rd’s of Stash and Burn, my favorite knitting podcast)—we will hang out in June
- Susan, of Crystal Palace Yarns and her husband (who’ve heard of us for years, but never had the chance to see us wet in person)—I can’t wait to try the new sock yarns!
- Annie, a lovely friend and next-door neighbor who also attended last year
- Fabulous co-workers, spouse, child and former Stanford Synchro teammates thereof: Allison, Dylan, Marilee, Mars, Stephanie, Rachel—be kind when you tell stories about this at the office
- and, of course, Mr. Man, whose photo you see here.
It’s a joy to have people see what I spend hours preparing for at the pool. For my many local friends who didn’t hear about this, I apologize for not being on top of it. The SF show almost didn’t go off because of pool closure and my work life has been so filled with work, not leaving much time for emails to y’all. There will be another show in the late summer/early fall before Nationals in Tuscon… and I’ll be doing a solo at that one. I’m really, really sorry for not letting people know about this personally.
Hey, Paris Aquatique! We’re gonna get Namaste on your ass at IGLA.
Speaking of which, I’m all ears if you have any Paris suggestions for food, wine, yarn, art, running, more food, shopping, urban exploring and stuff. I’ll even visit your friends, if you know people there…
May 14th, 2007 at 3:37 am
I have yet to go to Paris so I can’t help you with suggestions, but I want to wish you and your team lots o’ luck.
May 14th, 2007 at 7:24 am
I wish your team lots of luck! And have tons of fun
May 14th, 2007 at 11:13 am
Nice photo! Good luck in Paris. May your eggbeater be high, your verticals straight, and your lifts spectacular!
May 15th, 2007 at 3:01 am
Oooh la la, la Paris ce si tres chic! You’ll just love it! Congrats on getting to go and compete.. wow, international.. how cool is that!
May 18th, 2007 at 4:58 am
The sexiest food shops in Paris:,9950,1481512,00.html
le Bon Marche for general fabulousness, but also yarn (top floor) and food:
Entrée des Fournisseurs (buttons, ribbons, fabric):
la Droguerie (but only if you are fluent in french, or are prepared to just look:
And of course any Anny Blatt (sweet one in the Marais) or Phildar (everywhere).
Have fun!