Crotch shot


Avert your eyes, sensitive viewers.

Here’s some gratuitous man-on-dog action.

Little puppy Tank is growing. He barely fits on my lap!

Just another perk of a dog-friendly office.

More knitting-related (and hopefully Paris, too) content coming this weekend. Until then, enjoy the unbearable cuteness of my little furry boyfriend.

4 Responses to “Crotch shot”

  1. Isela Says:

    You are just so cute! Both of ya!

  2. Mel Says:

    Good thing he’s neutered, or we might have been subjected to a bit of “lipstick” action, too.

  3. scout Says:


  4. Eikon Says:

    Awww. We just celebrated a year with our furball. Tank looks like a sweet heart.