chitty chat

iSight self portrait

I feel so 5 years ago… I just finally got an iSight camera from Betsy who’s moving to Italy to start an Art Monastery. She no longer needed it since her fancy new laptop already has a camera built in.

I’ve never had the occasion to video chat, nor do I have the inclination to be LonelyKnitter34 and turn this into a vlog. But time will tell. You may see me sitting here bleary-eyed, not quite looking at the camera in dim overhead lighting soon enough.

Just in case, I opened up a hizKNITS AIM account, should you ever see me online. Grab a window, have a sit and type at me for a spell.

5 Responses to “chitty chat”

  1. Mel Says:

    Okay, you’ve been added to my AIM buddy list, though I’m cam-less (and rather bitter about the things). Oh, I’m drvassey on there.

  2. Elemmaciltur Says:

    Well, hello there, QT!

  3. sean Says:

    aim = sprboston
    yahoo chat (which I seem to be able to actually work) is the same!


  4. sean Says:

    dang…you’re not “on”

  5. WonderMike Says:

    I can’t add anything techie to my life. We’ll have to see each other in person!