Sunday afternoon


Chris snapped this picture of me this afternoon, asleep on the couch with Janie Sparkles. Despite his description, we were not up late the night before (pre-hacking my own haircut). I believe we were in bed by 11pm!

There are a bunch of things that strike me about this photo:

  1. Proof that I am knitting: Henry from from Knitty sits on the floor. It’s for Chris, and has stripes every 12 rows, so the chevrons are half orange, half blue.
  2. I’m exhausted by the conversation on Knitter’s Uncensored, hence the iPod. Heavy episode, guys!
  3. Apparently, I’m a company man, pimping my work’s logo in socks and knitting satchel.
  4. For no other reason than comfort, I’ve undone my jeans.

Hope your weekend was as restful!

3 Responses to “Sunday afternoon”

  1. sean Says:

    your list made me giggle like a little girl! “For no other reason than comfort…” Very funny!

    Hope you enjoyed your Sunday. I had a similar Sunday, knitting, watching TV and napping!


  2. Elemmaciltur Says:

    LOL, sorry we wore you out with our last episode. 🙂

  3. no-blog-rachel Says:

    Now that’s just cute – both of you.