My “Jay-est” look


Jay Leno… I’m all for gay jokes, but your homophobia isn’t funny.

Here’s a present for you.


Thank you, Jeff*, Melissa and Ryan.

*and thanks, Jeff, for Avenue Q!

via Psychobunny

5 Responses to “My “Jay-est” look”

  1. Amy Says:

    I wish I could watch the video at work but even without seeing it I feel confident saying he’s an unfunny jerk.

  2. Johnk Says:

    It’s now official. I love you. (in a cyber-sense).

    I too have sent Jay my Gayest look, but seriously, does anyone really watch that show anymore?

  3. Your Gayest Face? : Sean’s Soapbox Says:

    […] I was made aware of Jay Leno’s latest interview with Ryan Phillippe by my buddy Stephen at hizKKNITS. And although I like to believe in the best in people, I see this as such ingrained homophobia it’s scary. Certainly it wasn’t a purposeful attempt at gay bashing through “humor.” It’s almost worst than that…in a casual interview, Jay Leno showed his basest hatred. I really do appreciate Ryan Phillippe’s discomfort at what was going on. It’s quite sad that hate-jokes are still acceptable. […]

  4. no-blog-rachel Says:

    Wow. I had no idea. But I knew I watched Letterman for a reason. What an ass. And I don’t mean that in the appreciative way I usually so when I say that.

  5. Christina Says:

    I don’t watch Jay Leno and now just one more reason not to.

    What a jerk.

    Your picture is rather wonderful!

    Perhaps we need a group shot from the yarn shop gang in Austin 😉