one year ago

Thursday, August 6, 2009. The first day of classes at Sock Summit. The fear and excitement and magic of the unknown.

I can honestly say that event changed my life. I had no idea what those next few days would mean to me. I am beyond grateful to have been a part of the entire experience.

Who knew that 365 days later I’d be here. Thinking about the future. About being bigger than I believe myself to be in my day to day. Again. About taking on an even bigger adventure? Or two.

Thank you, Tina and Steph.

3 Responses to “one year ago”

  1. Holli Yeoh Says:

    Oooo, I wanted to take that class! Earlier today I came across the HizKNITS button you handed out at Sock Summit and I was thinking of you.

  2. Steven Says:

    I was there. I was just thinking about the Sock Summit this morning and all the fun I had — and all the great teachers, like you! I also remember it as the day I got to meet Miss Janie Sparkles in person! Giver her a pat from me.

  3. Chris Laning Says:

    Nice to have met you there… I know I looked rather stunned when you introduced yourself and said you knew who I was: the glazed eyes were nothing to do with you, I was simply exhausted 😉