Have a delicious 2011!
Saturday, January 1st, 2011My daily bread to start the year off right. This baked while I went out for a run. When was the last time I ran? Who knows, it’s been months. Why not join the masses of resolutionaries and pretend to be more fit this year.
Start as you mean to go on? I’ve walked the dog, baked, run, read, started a starter, wrote, grocery shopped, talked to my mom, embarked on a year-long project (more on this one day), made caramels, cooked dinner, watched a movie. If only I could squeeze in some yoga, meditation, knitting, designing, travel…
I know I haven’t been around here much lately. There’s much to update you on, but that will happen in a different post. To quote many a collegiate knuckle-duster, “It’s all good…”
Well, I should go knit. This is a knitting blog after all.