I’d also like to thank…
Now, I wouldn’t have ever been on Knitty Gritty if it wasn’t for a bunch of amazing peeps. If you don’t already know them, you should. Without them, I’d just be sitting in San Francisco twiddling my thumbs, fiber-less and bored. Here they are:
- Wendy’s Real Men Knit is how the producer found me. The DVD gives combines history with interviews from over 20 male knitters, including the Monday night knitting at Three Dollar Bill cafe, a knitting lesson and extended conversations with Kaffe Fassett and Brandon Mably. You’ll also see where I can stick a cable needle.
- Susan (from Crystal Palace Yarns) provided the yarn for the project and the yarn on which I learned to knit! In addition to her bloggish scratch pad that dates back to 1995, they now have a more bloggerly blog.
- Dan and Michael who took my pattern publishing virginity in the second issue of MenKnit.net.
- Stephanie’s felted messenger bag from Knitty inspired me to rework my pattern to be seamless. I thank both her and Amy for their gracious permission to incorporate Stephanie’s construction ideas.
- My knitting brothersisterman and this bloggy-daddy, Darrel whose MenWhoKnit.com created the online community I call home and is a joy to knit, sit, eat and hang with. (I miss you. Call me!)
- And last, but certainly not least, Betsy (two-time KG guest!) who gave me the gift of bamboo circular 13s, a couple balls and the knowledge to be dangerous with them.
Merci mille fois!
December 2nd, 2006 at 11:25 pm
Congratulations on what sounds like a Super Show! I dashed over here after getting your email! And fun to see Sonya in person after our phone calls.
I can’t wait to see this episode – do they have a predicted date yet?
I knew it would go wonderfully!