In your FACE

March 13th, 2008

I finally succumbed to the juggernaut that is Facebook.

Yes, I signed up. For work research purposes… I don’t plan on spending much time there. It’s no Ravelry!

Perhaps it was a little too much Web 2.0 at SXSWi this past week. Perhaps it was just inevitable.

Feel free to ignore my friend-vitation is I spammed your inbox.

Also, feel free to sing the praises of this application, ’cause I just don’t get it.

Remember when it was all UNIX chat rooms, USENET groups and IRC?

lost post

March 11th, 2008

My sxsw mini summary was eaten by my phone. I’ll update more in-depth when I have my laptop.

The short, short version includes old friends, lots of knitting and delicious migas and queso. (Look it up.)

I’m missing home, the man and the dog.

in Austin

March 8th, 2008

So, I had the best intentions to write up a big Stitches recap, including who I ran into, podcast audio drama and thoughts on the entire weekend. Then, there was my company trip to Tahoe and my paltry attempts at snowboarding (It only lasted one run.) after those two posts, there was going to be my rah-rah Austin-let’s-knit at SxSWi! rallying cry (after much research and ravelery-ing).

But best intentions aside, I never sat down and wrote. Now I’m in Texas and panels have begun (and I haven’t eaten yet). I’m just gonna roll with it.

For now, I need something edible.

Tastes like Cookie A.

February 25th, 2008

It was a super-duper yarn-filled weekend, thanks to Stitches West.

I need to take time to compose my thoughts and detail what happened, but I wanted to give you a little bit of this yumminess: me making out with Cookie.

Y Knit was out and about recording and talking with our knitting brethren (and sister-ren).

More later.

Y Knit 002 Art or Craft?

February 22nd, 2008

The second episode of Y KNIT was posted today, but the RSS feed has a bit fiddle-y. It hasn’t shown up in iTunes yet, but after a visit to Feedburner and poking around, the second episode suddenly appeared on our feed page. So, it’s probably just a matter of time until it’s on its way to your poddy-doodle.

If I may brag, due to how we’re listed in iTunes’ Design category (as opposed to Arts or Games & Hobbies), and perhaps a dearth of Design podcasts today, we were today’s #3 podcast! Let’s hear it for meaningless rankings in obscure sub-categories. Look for a screenshot when we hit #1.

In episode 2, we talk about art vs. craft, inspired by an interview with Sabrina Gschwandter, artist and founder/curator/publisher of KNITKNIT. And to thank you for listening, there’s another contest!

Tomorrow, I’m venturing off to STITCHES West. I’m not sure what to expect other than being overwhelmed by long before I’m ready to leave. I’d like to keep up my embargo on buying new yarn. I have more than enough to last me for years (like many of you, I assume). However, I am interested in seeing what’s out there in natural colors… pure animal fiber, no dyeing, minimal chemical processing. Is anyone make sock yarn like that?

We’re hoping to grab audio from whomever will be kind enough to chat, especially the fellows! I’m going to focus on having a good time with the people, friends new and old, and not let the buy-buy-buy-sell-sell-sell trade show aspect get me down.

I won’t be naked in a tub, as in my Ravatar, but imagine a guy like that, with more clothes on and better lighting. I’ll be the one with the bouffy hair and a microphone.


February 17th, 2008

It’s not often that I get stopped on the street, but when you’re wearing one of the most popular patterns on the Interwebs, it could happen. Especially if you’re walking in Mission district where many a knitter lurkers, specifically, Ms, Mission Knit, RosaLux.

I had just finished grafting the pits and weaving the few ends that weren’t worked in as I knit (thanks, Aija!), not ten minutes before we went out for coffee and a Janie Sparkles stroll/dragging. I wasn’t sure how I felt about the sweater, saving my judgment until post-blocking.

“Excuse me, but did you make your sweater?”

And that led to a nice conversation on the sidewalk and realization that we were already friends on Ravelry. My favorite part was laughing at the group-think on interknitters.

In addition to my embarrassment of not only wearing said unblocked sweater, the Moo card I gave her had my Jaywalker socks on it.

“What? Do you have a pair of Fetching in your back pocket?”

No. But my Knucks were at home.


February 14th, 2008

…considering the name of my last post, right now I have 666 comments over the life of this blog.

Good Car-ma

February 13th, 2008

We have a Meals on Wheels route at work. Let me back up. Our company has a program so anyone can volunteer for whatever they’d like, on the clock. It could be a one-off event like a beach clean-up or a regular commitment at an animal shelter. Our MOW route is something we do every week.

Until today, I had never done it.

When Steve asked me to go with him, I agreed, under the condition I drive. I recognize I have a little fear around interacting with the elderly, but it would be a great way to hang with him and take baby steps in confronting that phobia. Sadly, he had to attend a funeral today, so I ended up being paired with another coworker, the always-on warehouse guy. I still got to drive, but missed catching up with someone I haven’t spent much time with lately.

Now, if you’ve driven with me, you know I drive very cautiously. I hate cars, I don’t enjoy the act of driving, I’d rather ride a bike, bus, train or plane than deal with the road myself. Since it was lunch-time, and just around the neighborhood, I knew it wasn’t going to be too bad. Besides, I could drive our company’s fancy biodiesel VW Passat, and who doesn’t mind rolling in a black station wagon that smells like french fries?

My car-mate is pretty high-energy (read: spastic) and kept changing and turning up the radio. He navigated and did all of the meal drop-offs. He’s pretty frenetic and wanted me to cut through a gas station when a red light stopped us. As we were returning to the Berkeley Senior Center, we got caught by another traffic signal.

“Turn left here,” he pointed, flailing his arm across my chest. “Into the auto parts parking lot.”

We were just a few blocks away, so, against my better judgement, I did. And, there was a cop behind me. Lights flashed as he followed me through the parking lot into a parking spot. I turned off the car, took off my seat belt, then thought better to put it back on and sit there. He asked for my license and registration. I gathered it from the glove box, wishing the my passenger would stop his grumbling and complaining about how “it wasn’t right, everyone does it!”

The officer explained that I had crossed a double yellow line and he had to give me a ticket, since so many people had witnessed. Knowing I was at fault, I feared how much it would be and whether it was considered a moving violation. And, cool as they are, work doesn’t pay for tickets you get yourself.

He asked if I was related to a Jonathan with the same last name (which I wasn’t) and Phillip interrupted, “C’mon, man! We was doing Meals on Wheels for the seniorz!” (Yes, it sounded like he added a “z.”)

“Do you have any proof?” He doubtfully scanned the shiny black car with tinted windows. Darn you, on-site car washes!

I handed him the route list and pointed at the hot and cold containers in the back seat. He shook his head as he gave it back.

“I can’t give you a ticket.” And with that, we were allowed to go on our way.

There’s no major life lesson here, just a realization that whatever extra credit points I got for doing a good deed, the Universe cashed them in for me with the reprieve.

Oh, and that Meals on Wheels isn’t so bad. I may even sign up again. I just hope someone would care enough to bring me food when the time comes… and that they have a good time while doing it.

Y Knit?

February 12th, 2008
yK with Debbie Stoller

’cause it’s genetic!

What’ I’ve been cryptically complaining about in my past few posts was setting up the website for Y Knit, a knitting podcast—genetically speaking. WonderMike and I have been tossing around the idea of creating our own podcast, offereing a male point of view times two!

You can find it at Our first episode is an interview with Debbie Stoller, Ms. Stitch & Bitch herself about her book of men’s patterns, Son of Stitch & Bitch. Go have a listen!

There’s much more to come. Watch for us trolling Stitches West with a microphone. We may just want to talk to you!

game over

February 5th, 2008

um, I whined too soon!

the domain is pointing properly.

we just need to upload a file, then it’s go-time.